Monday, February 24, 2014

5 Reasons I LOVE Camp Ministries

1. In Camp Ministries you get to teach people about God while you are surrounded by nature that just shows you how much God loves each and everyone of us. In every hike, or ride that you take there are so many opportunities to be blessed and share the blessing of God's creation. Every moment is a teachable moment.

2. You get the opportunity to serve and fellowship with so many awesome people from all over the world. They each come with their unique testimony and other stories. And each of them are there to serve too. You make the most incredible friends!! I have the pleasure of having friends from Ohio, Washington, Oregon, Georgia, Mexico, Romania, Pennsylvania... the list goes on.. and it is through Camp Ministries that I have had the chance to make such awesome friends.

3. The guests. Whether they are a group of elderly, or a bunch of kids, they are a blessing. There would be no reason for the job without them. They soon become a part of your life as a counselor, or cook, or housekeeper. What they need you strive to provide them with. And you get pleasure of sharing Christ with them.

4. You grow so much. When I started in 2010, I wasn't an avid Bible reader. I was just a kid who came from a Christian home. A kid who loved God, but was lazy and not motivated to serve. Well that quickly got shot out of my system when I started to work housekeeping and had to make sure things were clean and orderly. And had to serve a long side people I saw everyday (which after awhile can become a nuisance) But God started to work on my heart. Teaching me to serve with a cheerful attitude. To work with others and to be a help not a hindrance. It was an eye opening experience. And then I went on to work in Ohio as a camp Counselor... wow... if you want to test someones patience and gentleness put them with eight 7 year olds for a whole week. I was so tired every week, but also so happy to be able to share Christ with these beautiful kids. I prayed over them before and while and after they were there. And I feel like they blessed me so much more than I could ever bless them. They taught me to be thankful for the little things, to trust so completely in Christ. I have grown so much spiritually through Camp Ministries.

5. It's a mission field. No we might not look like a mission field. Some camps are located in woods, some in the city, and some in the country. We all do things differently. But we all have one purpose. To share the Gospel. To lead others to saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. We pour our hearts into serving. We cry over the hurting children we come across. We go days sometimes without having the chance to shower. We do all this because we are called. We are called to the mission field of Camp Ministries.

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