Saturday, December 29, 2012

Our Shoes...

There are some people that I have tried to help with their walk with God and with just their lives. Each one has a different story about how they got to the point that they were or are still at in their lives. Each one has faced hardships and struggles and have carried heavy, heavy burdens. And one of the things each one of these people have told me is that I wouldn't know how they are feeling... I haven't walked in their shoes. Many have thrust the questions, "Do you want to walk in my shoes? Do you want to be where I have been?" at me. I have been pegged by these people of having a good life. A great life. Even though I usually respond to these people with love and hope that they take words I speak to heart.
 I think to myself about how these people have no idea. These people haven't walked in my shoes either. I mean I share testimony when appropriate, but often times they still don't get it. I am a sinner, I have lost my way so many times that I have lost count. It is only by the grace of God that I have any kind of hope. It is only by Christ's blood that I live. These are not things in my past, these are things I struggle with everyday. But by God's love for me and mercy I am able to share and help others understand the Glory and Beauty and most of all Love of my Savior, my God. I don't want to walk in these people's shoes because it is in my own that I have sinned, I fallen short, I have left the path... and it is in my shoes that I have been Redeemed and Accepted into the family of God. It is in my shoes I have found the greatest Love of all, and have found Peace and Joy. I have faced hardships, I have faced pain. I still may face more... And I by no means a "saint," I sin and although I try not to, it happens. God's Mercy and Forgiveness is the only thing that saves me.
We aren't here on earth to experience a "perfect," life. We were never promised happiness. But through God we can find the joy. Life will always be a struggle. But with God it can be made easier and a lot more hopeful. I know that my current readers in this blog are Christians but I pray that each and everyone of you reach out to the unbelievers and share the truth about our Father, the Love and Mercy that only come from him. Our shoes that we walk in may be hard and heartbreaking sometimes but they were given to us from God. He is teaching, and molding us into the people He needs us to be. I wouldn't trade my life (shoes) for anyone elses. I am glad that although my life has taken many scary, heart wrenching, and just lonely roads, God has and will always be there to walk with me.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

School, work, life

So I've argued with myself several times about going back to school... and now I set up an interview with an advisor at LCC to see what I need to finish my Associates degree. So friday I have that interview. And on Thursday I'm housekeeping for family in town, and next Thursday I have a job interview at Macy's.... so things are starting to be put to motion... keep me in your prayers! Thanks!!