Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Early New Years Resolution

I want to write this without sounding like an old geezer... but what has happened to communication? When I was growing up my best friend was just around the block and we played all day and sometimes into the night, we shared stories and just had fun using our crazy imaginations. And even then when I wanted to see my grandma I went to her home, we didn't have facebook, and although we had phones they didn't have facetime and they were generally connected to our home. We were personal. We took time to talk, and actually share our lives. Not the little things that really who needs to know, like "I ate toast today it was yummy." Really does that matter? Good for you.. you ate toast. I feel like you need a medal. I know that may have been a little too much sarcasm. But honestly, how many times do you actually see half your friends on facebook? Do you really know them? Or are these people you have met, and shared some common things and decided that why not add them to facebook? But are they your friends? Are you a friend to them? Have you shared memories that still matter? I wish we could go back sometimes to a time when people relied on seeing each other and connecting personally. I had the best childhood because I played outside, I had a best friend close by, and God blessed me with a very active imagination. I barely spent time inside, and our only computer was my dad's. Now people are obsessed with phones, internet, and really online lives. Should we be proud of our 500 some odd friends on facebook? Or should we try to engage and really in real life connect and make a few close friends?

Granted, I can see how technology has helped too. I mean there are people in my family and friends who live far away and it is good to have some connection with them. I know there are people who I may not see face to face very often so it is nice to see what's going on in their life. But I think we have become too dependent. I am guilty on spending too much time on facebook and especially pinterest, dreaming my life away. So I'm declaring a New Year Resolution now... I need to get back to the basics, and connect personally whether it be by snail mail or phone calls. I will be cutting down my hours on the computer, and trying to focus on living instead of wasting hours on my online life. Are you willing to join me? I would love to mail you letters... :)