Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dreams and Expectations

~My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.~ Psalm 62:5

     When I was a young child I had always wanted to be a ballerina, in fact I took some lessons when I was in first grade and although I loved it, I didn't continue. But that was one of my dream jobs. But at the same time I wanted to be a veterinarian. I loved animals and I wanted to help them, but when I found out that vets also had to put animals down that went to the bottom of the list of dream jobs. At one point I remember I wanted to be a horse trainer. But that never panned out either. I have had this idea of jobs and of the kind of life I wanted to live since I was a child. I have even made lists of what I wanted to see in guy before I would even date him. Some of the things seem so silly now. But I have always had high expectations for my life.
     I can tell you now... none of those jobs seem all that appealing to me now. I still have high expectations but they have been shaped by my life. The lists have gotten smaller. But it all comes down to God. When I was younger His will didn't seem to be a priority. As I have grown up I have let go a lot of my ideas because they were not going to work. I have let go of guys that I had fallen for, because they were not God's will for me. I am finding that as I get older the path I'm walking become more narrow and full of hazards. But I am learning that if I leave it up to God and I don't rely on me, it turns out a whole lot better. I don't know what tomorrow might bring. My expectations for my life seem to change everyday. But I do know that it will be ok. I will have trials, I will deal with pain. But there will also be triumphs and joy. God will direct my path. I just need to be willing to follow. Dreams and expectations can be wonderful, but if they're rooted in your abilities and strength alone... then those dreams and expectations will wither. Keep them rooted in God.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Way You Look

~ God judges persons differently than humans do. Men and women look at the face; God looks at the heart.~ - 1 Samuel 16:7

(Exerpt from A Grand New Day,Women of Faith)

" It is so easy to believe that God is silent on the subject of beauty. Maybe it is because the church is silent, or maybe it's because we have to be still to hear what God is saying. Either way, so many women simply think God is not saying anything about how they feel about themselves. Here is the simple truth: God loves you passionately and intensely, and that love has nothing to do with the way you look. It isn't affected one ounce by the size of your blue jeans or the way your nose slopes up or how much dental work you've had done. It isn't lessened by wearing the wrong dress to a party or having no skill applying makeup or by hating exercise. God simply loves you as you are.
   But before we just gloss over that and go right on to the next thing, let me ask a hard question. Have you let that truth into your soul? I mean, really let it in? God is the one who has never criticized you or belittled you or made fun of your appearance in any way. He is the one who formed you, and said afterward."This is good." "
                                                              - Nicole Johnson (Fresh-Brewed Life)

~ For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing; shall be able to seperate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus out Lord.~   -Romans 8:38-39

Monday, April 18, 2011

All Creation

We all take part in a symphony of voices and sounds rising up through the heavens praising our Heavenly Lord. Every second of everyday all creation praises His holy name! What an amazing thought! I sit here and I try to think of something to write, but the thought of all of creation praising my God... I am in complete awe! I can hear the frogs outside creating their music and I wonder what it sounds like to God's ears. I watched the sun dip into the ocean this evening and the sounds of the wind and waves, I can't even imagine what that sounds like to God. I am in awe!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Let Down the Walls!

Let down the walls!!! Just Woship our Amazing Lord!!! We are so quick to shy away from dancing and singing out loud in fear of rejection but your voice is soo sweet to the Lord!!! So let down the walls and just dance and sing and fall on your face before our Lord!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Something to Brighten your day

God's creation is beautiful!!

Saturday, April 9, 2011


God never ceases to amaze me. His Beauty is all around us. In everything. All of creation declares His majesty.